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Mothers Day Bouquet

Mothers Day Bouquet

A luxury bouquet to spoil your mum, granny, wife or girl friend with soft pink tints and tones. Ensured to put a smile on the person that receives them, this 30 stem bouquet symbolises cheerfulness and love.


Our mothers day bouquet will include:

10 stems soft pink Ecuador Roses

5 Pink Germini

5 Pink Alstromeria

5 stems spray green chrysanth

Some flowering broom stems and some fresh foliage.

All wrapped in tissue paper and cellophane with a hand written card and delivered to the door on Sunday 10 March at  no extra cost.


All orders must be received by no later than 5pm on Friday 8th March.



  • Delivery

    All deliveries to CT13 CT14 & CT15 are FREE

    For deliveries to 
    CT3( Canterbury) 
    CT7, CT8, CT9 ( Margate)
    CT10( Broadstairs)
    CT11, CT12 (Ramsgate)
    A charge of £6 will be made.
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